Compare Intel Core i9 11980HK Vs Intel Core i5 11500H
DiscussShould you use Intel Core i9 11980HK or Intel Core i5 11500H? Well, your search ends here. Find out which Laptop chipset would work best for you. Compare the two models on the basis of their Performance, memory, IGPU and benchmark scores. Intel Core i9 11980HK is manufactured by Intel in Bangladesh whereas Intel Core i5 11500H is manufactured by Intel in Bangladesh. Base frequency and memory size are the primary matrices to judge the overall speed and performance of the chipset. Intel Core i9 11980HK has a Base frequency of 2.6-3.3 GHz and 128 GB memory size whereas Intel Core i5 11500H has a base frequency of 2.4-2.9 GHz and 128 GB memory.
Check detailed comparison below to compare specification for both models. Don't forget to check out expert opinion as well.
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