BLU Advance L5 AnTuTu Score

In the AnTuTu benchmark test, the BLU Advance L5 got a score of 23919 points.

BLU Advance L5 AnTuTu Overview

The Antutu benchmark score of BLU Advance L5 is 23919 points.

It is better than 2% of the mobile phones as of 1st January 2025. You can compare its performance with other alternatives of BLU Advance L5 and see which phone would be best for you.

Antutu Benchmark Score consists of 4 parameters: CPU, GPU, MEM, and UX. Check out the table below for more details:


AnTuTu Score Comparison of BLU Advance L5 with Similar Phones

ModelAnTuTu ScoreCPU ScoreGPU ScoreMemory Score UX Score
BLU Advance L523919
Samsung Guru 120024131931310301Compare Now
LG K72423494429702Compare Now

AnTuTu Score of BLU Advance L5

Antutu Score239192%

Popular BLU Advance L5 Comparisons

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BLU Advance L5 Performance Specification

CPUQuad-core 1.3 GHz Cortex-A7
Internal Storage16 GB

User Review of BLU Advance L5

NA out of 5
0 Ratings &0 Review


Q. What is the antutu benchmark score of BLU Advance L5?

Antutu Score of BLU Advance L5 is 23919 points.

Q. What is the antutu percentile of BLU Advance L5 as compared to other phone?

As of 1st January 2025, Antutu Percentile of BLU Advance L5 is 2%.

Q. What are some alternatives to BLU Advance L5?

In 1st January 2025, Some of the best alternatives available for BLU Advance L5 are: LYF Water 7S, Intex Aqua Power 4, Vivo Y21.