Forme F1 AnTuTu Score

In the AnTuTu benchmark test, the Forme F1 got a score of 267207 points.

Forme F1

BDT 1,353

Forme F1 AnTuTu Overview

The Antutu benchmark score of Forme F1 is 267207 points.

It is better than 55% of the mobile phones as of 8th January 2025. You can compare its performance with other alternatives of Forme F1 and see which phone would be best for you.

Antutu Benchmark Score consists of 4 parameters: CPU, GPU, MEM, and UX. Check out the table below for more details:


AnTuTu Score Comparison of Forme F1 with Similar Phones

ModelAnTuTu ScoreCPU ScoreGPU ScoreMemory Score UX Score
Forme F126720793712107704565699222
POCO F126720793712107704922256569Compare Now
Honor X6b26719586341400286500275824Compare Now
Vivo Nex S26733093510107615571409065Compare Now
Xiaomi Redmi 12C26701582825424717031671403Compare Now
Samsung Galaxy M2126645576468457567026973962Compare Now
Realme X226602897325681284807652499Compare Now
Xiaomi Mi Mix 2s268463920941071705850510694Compare Now
Poco C6526526077673419356882376829Compare Now
TECNO POVA 226521985473399246402775795Compare Now

AnTuTu Score of Forme F1

Antutu Score26720755%
Memory Score5656928%
CPU Score9371237%
GPU Score10770441%
UX Score92223%

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Forme F1 Performance Specification

User Review of Forme F1

NA out of 5
0 Ratings &0 Review


Q. What is the antutu benchmark score of Forme F1?

Antutu Score of Forme F1 is 267207 points.

Q. What is the antutu percentile of Forme F1 as compared to other phone?

As of 8th January 2025, Antutu Percentile of Forme F1 is 55%.

Q. What are some alternatives to Forme F1?

In 8th January 2025, Some of the best alternatives available for Forme F1 are: POCO F1, Honor X6b, Vivo Nex S.