POCO M2 Pro AnTuTu Score

In the AnTuTu benchmark test, the POCO M2 Pro got a score of 276927 points.



BDT 17,818

POCO M2 Pro AnTuTu Overview

The Antutu benchmark score of POCO M2 Pro is 276927 points.

It is better than 56% of the mobile phones as of 16th December 2024. You can compare its performance with other alternatives of POCO M2 Pro and see which phone would be best for you. POCO M2 Pro, which operates on Android OS, 10 , has Qualcomm Snapdragon 720G processor and comes with CPU of Octa-core (Dual 2.3GHz Kryo 465 A76 + Hexa 1.8GHz Kryo 465 A55 CPUs) .

Antutu Benchmark Score consists of 4 parameters: CPU, GPU, MEM, and UX. Check out the table below for more details:


AnTuTu Score of POCO M2 Pro

Antutu Score27692756%
Memory Score5011526%
CPU Score10075339%
GPU Score7217733%
UX Score5388231%

AnTuTu Score Comparison of POCO M2 Pro with Similar Phones

ModelAnTuTu ScoreCPU ScoreGPU ScoreMemory Score UX Score
POCO M2 Pro276927100753721775011553882
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Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro Max277621100090719695232153241Compare Now
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Realme 9 4G27845283482494916714178338Compare Now
Motorola One Fusion Plus27468497889729025207851815Compare Now
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Popular POCO M2 Pro Comparisons

A Powerful Enigmatic Device

  • Z Shocker Haptics

    Enjoy a perfect tactile, haptic response when you type or simply tap the screen of M2 Pro Poco.

  • Fingerprint sensor

    POCO M2 Pro’s fingerprint sensor that is mounted on the power button scans your fingerprint almost instantly.

  • MicroSD slot

    2+1 slot that enables you to expand the memory of POCO M2 Pro up to 512GB.

POCO M2 Pro Performance Specification

Card Slot microSD Card
Chipset Qualcomm Snapdragon 720G
CPU Octa-core (Dual 2.3GHz Kryo 465 A76 + Hexa 1.8GHz Kryo 465 A55 CPUs)
External Storage up to 256 GB
GPU Adreno 618

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Q. What is the antutu benchmark score of POCO M2 Pro?

Antutu Score of POCO M2 Pro is 276927 points.

Q. What is the antutu percentile of POCO M2 Pro as compared to other phone?

As of 16th December 2024, Antutu Percentile of POCO M2 Pro is 56%.

Q. What are some alternatives to POCO M2 Pro?

In 16th December 2024, Some of the best alternatives available for POCO M2 Pro are: Xiaomi Redmi 10, Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro Max, Tecno Spark 30.

Q. Which chipset is being used in POCO M2 Pro?

This model uses Qualcomm Snapdragon 720G .