Vivo T3 5G AnTuTu Score

In the AnTuTu benchmark test, the Vivo T3 5G got a score of 731946 points.

Vivo T3 5G

Vivo T3 5G

BDT 26,398

Vivo T3 5G AnTuTu Overview

The Antutu benchmark score of Vivo T3 5G is 731946 points.

It is better than 83% of the mobile phones as of 2nd January 2025. You can compare its performance with other alternatives of Vivo T3 5G and see which phone would be best for you. Vivo T3 5G, which operates on Android v14, has Mediatek Dimensity 7200

processor and comes with CPU of 2.8 GHz, Octa Core Processor.

Antutu Benchmark Score consists of 4 parameters: CPU, GPU, MEM, and UX. Check out the table below for more details:


AnTuTu Score of Vivo T3 5G

Antutu Score73194683%
Memory Score12568651%
CPU Score24371263%
GPU Score17878949%
UX Score18375962%

AnTuTu Score Comparison of Vivo T3 5G with Similar Phones

ModelAnTuTu ScoreCPU ScoreGPU ScoreMemory Score UX Score
Vivo T3 5G731946243712178789125686183759
Asus ROG Phone 5731376190625318821117195104729Compare Now
OPPO Reno 12 5G732806215926149306200494167080Compare Now
Google Pixel730686193322293036101989142312Compare Now
Apple iPhone XS733639202576217548146853166662Compare Now
Samsung Galaxy A55736230245303174390141508175029Compare Now
Samsung Galaxy S20 Plus727249201538231438138841155432Compare Now
Vivo V27727120234569183023132054177474Compare Now
Huawei Mate X2736801179225278735144897133944Compare Now
OnePlus 8 Pro736802221242190404148286176870Compare Now
Infinix Zero 30726530190308208291155891172040Compare Now

Vivo T3 5G Performance Specification

ChipsetMediatek Dimensity 7200
CPU2.8 GHz, Octa Core Processor
GPUMali G610
Internal Storage128 GB

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Q. What is the antutu benchmark score of Vivo T3 5G?

Antutu Score of Vivo T3 5G is 731946 points.

Q. What is the antutu percentile of Vivo T3 5G as compared to other phone?

As of 2nd January 2025, Antutu Percentile of Vivo T3 5G is 83%.

Q. What are some alternatives to Vivo T3 5G?

In 2nd January 2025, Some of the best alternatives available for Vivo T3 5G are: Asus ROG Phone 5, OPPO Reno 12 5G, Google Pixel.

Q. Which chipset is being used in Vivo T3 5G?

This model uses Mediatek Dimensity 7200 .