Xiaomi 13T Pro AnTuTu Score

In the AnTuTu benchmark test, the Xiaomi 13T Pro got a score of 1489987 points.

Xiaomi 13T Pro

Xiaomi 13T Pro

BDT 92,363

Xiaomi 13T Pro AnTuTu Overview

The Antutu benchmark score of Xiaomi 13T Pro is 1489987 points.

It is better than 95% of the mobile phones as of 2nd January 2025. You can compare its performance with other alternatives of Xiaomi 13T Pro and see which phone would be best for you. Xiaomi 13T Pro, which operates on Android 13

, has Qualcomm SM8350 Snapdragon 920 5G

processor and comes with CPU of Octa-core (4x2.4 GHz Kryo 670 & 4x1.8 GHz Kryo 670)


Antutu Benchmark Score consists of 4 parameters: CPU, GPU, MEM, and UX. Check out the table below for more details:


AnTuTu Score of Xiaomi 13T Pro

Antutu Score148998795%
Memory Score30309367%
CPU Score38634872%
GPU Score53055864%
UX Score26998870%

AnTuTu Score Comparison of Xiaomi 13T Pro with Similar Phones

ModelAnTuTu ScoreCPU ScoreGPU ScoreMemory Score UX Score
Xiaomi 13T Pro1489987386348530558303093269988
Poco F61488507380348508523332109267527Compare Now
Realme GT 61497489391318524907305073276191Compare Now
Vivo X90 Pro1507117375722537522294299299574Compare Now
Samsung Galaxy S231507884378467601346270511257560Compare Now
Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max1468347365536455988238641408182Compare Now
Oneplus 12R1515817384134585579251576294528Compare Now
OnePlus 111519768386277585404256602291485Compare Now
Asus ZenFone 101524799378774608654296031241340Compare Now
Motorola Edge 50 Ultra 5G1455088363685513161329511248731Compare Now
Xiaomi 13 Ultra1524921389140596405297015242361Compare Now

Popular Xiaomi 13T Pro Comparisons

Xiaomi 13T Pro Performance Specification

ChipsetQualcomm SM8350 Snapdragon 920 5G
CPUOcta-core (4x2.4 GHz Kryo 670 & 4x1.8 GHz Kryo 670)
GPUAdreno 642L
Internal Storage128GB / 256GB

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Q. What is the antutu benchmark score of Xiaomi 13T Pro?

Antutu Score of Xiaomi 13T Pro is 1489987 points.

Q. What is the antutu percentile of Xiaomi 13T Pro as compared to other phone?

As of 2nd January 2025, Antutu Percentile of Xiaomi 13T Pro is 95%.

Q. What are some alternatives to Xiaomi 13T Pro?

In 2nd January 2025, Some of the best alternatives available for Xiaomi 13T Pro are: Poco F6, Realme GT 6, Vivo X90 Pro.

Q. Which chipset is being used in Xiaomi 13T Pro?

This model uses Qualcomm SM8350 Snapdragon 920 5G .