AGM Glory AnTuTu Score

In the AnTuTu benchmark test, the AGM Glory got a score of 252526 points.

AGM Glory

₹ 81,500

AGM Glory AnTuTu Overview

The Antutu benchmark score of AGM Glory is 252526 points.

It is better than 53% of the mobile phones as of 31st December 2024. You can compare its performance with other alternatives of AGM Glory and see which phone would be best for you. AGM Glory, which operates on Android v11, has Qualcomm Snapdragon 480 processor and comes with CPU of 2 GHz, Dual core, Kryo 460 + 1.8 GHz, Hexa Core, Kryo 460.

Antutu Benchmark Score consists of 4 parameters: CPU, GPU, MEM, and UX. Check out the table below for more details:


AnTuTu Score Comparison of AGM Glory with Similar Phones

ModelAnTuTu ScoreCPU ScoreGPU ScoreMemory Score UX Score
AGM Glory252526
Nokia G2225242979898282638701957249Compare Now
Realme C5325297487315284666752469669Compare Now
Motorola Moto G2425197077163412126232271273Compare Now
Infinix Note 1025311667943563944672782052Compare Now
Huawei P30 Lite25377394189340326183463718Compare Now
Samsung Galaxy A0625392187918321025801175890Compare Now
Samsung Galaxy A5125084368174458536955767259Compare Now
Xiaomi Redmi Note 725030291462381065131169423Compare Now

AnTuTu Score of AGM Glory

Antutu Score25252653%

Popular AGM Glory Comparisons

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AGM Glory Performance Specification

ChipsetQualcomm Snapdragon 480
CPU2 GHz, Dual core, Kryo 460 + 1.8 GHz, Hexa Core, Kryo 460
GPUAdreno 619

User Review of AGM Glory

NA out of 5
0 Ratings &0 Review


Q. What is the antutu benchmark score of AGM Glory?

Antutu Score of AGM Glory is 252526 points.

Q. What is the antutu percentile of AGM Glory as compared to other phone?

As of 31st December 2024, Antutu Percentile of AGM Glory is 53%.

Q. What are some alternatives to AGM Glory?

In 31st December 2024, Some of the best alternatives available for AGM Glory are: Nokia G22, Realme C53, Motorola Moto G24.

Q. Which chipset is being used in AGM Glory?

This model uses Qualcomm Snapdragon 480.