Here are few closest models available related to your search criteria. You can click on any model to read out detailed specifications, prices, and reviews.

Phones Comparison

itel it5626
₹ 1,749
Telefono T1 Ola
₹ 1,599
itel it5626 vs Telefono T1 Ola
Telefono T1 Ola
₹ 1,599
Blackzone Pearl
₹ 1,559
Telefono T1 Ola vs Blackzone Pearl
Blackzone Pearl
₹ 1,559
Cellecor Z10
₹ 1,499
Blackzone Pearl vs Cellecor Z10
Cellecor Z10
₹ 1,499
₹ 1,480
Cellecor Z10 vs DUOSS R31
₹ 1,480
Lava A5 23
₹ 1,229
DUOSS R31 vs Lava A5 23
Lava A5 23
₹ 1,229
DUOSS 5605
₹ 1,170
Lava A5 23 vs DUOSS 5605
DUOSS 5605
₹ 1,170
Snexian Bold Ferrari
₹ 1,149
DUOSS 5605 vs Snexian Bold Ferrari
Snexian Bold Ferrari
₹ 1,149
Mafe Style
₹ 1,099
Snexian Bold Ferrari vs Mafe Style
Mafe Style
₹ 1,099
Forme U30 Plus
₹ 1,055
Mafe Style vs Forme U30 Plus
Forme U30 Plus
₹ 1,055
Forme W50
₹ 1,049
Forme U30 Plus vs Forme W50

User Reviews

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New Phones in India


Q. Which are the best Motorola Feature Phones in India?

Best Motorola Feature Phones in India are iAir D18 at ₹ 890, Snexian Bold Ferrari at ₹ 1,149, itel it5626 at ₹ 1,749.

Q. Which are the most popular Motorola Feature Phones in India?

Most popular Motorola Feature Phones in India are iAir D18 at ₹ 890.

Q. Which are the Cheapest Motorola Feature Phones in India?

Cheapest Motorola Feature Phones in India are Tryto T1 312 at ₹ 695.

Q. Which are the most expensive Motorola Feature Phones in India?

Most expensive Motorola Feature Phones in India are itel it5626 at ₹ 1,749.

Q. Which is the latest launched Motorola Feature Phones in India?

Latest launched Motorola Feature Phones in India are Ringme R115 at ₹ 880, itel Ace 2 Heera at ₹ 849, Lava A5 23 at ₹ 1,229.