‘123456’ Tops The List Of Most Used Passwords In India

(Last Updated On: November 16, 2023)

Key Highlights

  • NordPass has disclosed the most popular passwords in India
  • Financial service platforms boast the strongest passwords
  • The weakest passwords are also used on streaming accounts

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, the safeguarding of personal information remains a paramount concern, and at the forefront of this cyber-defense stands the humble password. Despite the continuous emphasis on the importance of strong, unique passwords, a recent revelation by NordPass exposes the prevailing trends in India’s password choices, exposing common choices that compromise security. Let’s check them out. Also Read | How To Sign In To Your Google Workspace Accounts Without Passwords: A Step-by-Step Guide

Most Common Passwords In India

  1. 123456
  2. admin
  3. 12345678
  4. 12345
  5. password
  6. Pass@123
  7. 123456789
  8. Admin@123
  9. India@123
  10. admin@123
  11. Pass@1234
  12. 1234567890
  13. Abcd@1234
  14. Welcome@123
  15. Abcd@123
  16. admin123
  17. administrator
  18. Password@123
  19. Password

Also Read | Forgot Your Amazon Alexa Password? Here’s How To Change And Reset It

Insights from NordPass Survey

Financial service platforms boast the strongest passwords while streaming accounts harbor the weakest. The prevalence of “admin” as the second most-used password is attributed to its default status, often neglected for modification.

Numeric Fascination

Numbers, especially “123456,” dominate India’s password choices, aligning with a global trend where 31 percent of the world’s commonly used passwords involve numerical sequences. Geographical affiliations echo in choices, exemplified by “India@124.”

Browser-Saved Password Risks

Contrary to belief, passwords stored in browsers lack security. NordPass warns that 70 percent of passwords in its list can be cracked in less than a second, emphasizing the need for more secure storage methods.

Security Recommendations

As we navigate towards a potential passwordless future, the importance of resilient passwords cannot be overstated. In the interim, users are advised to embrace complexity in their password choices and consider two-factor authentication where possible, adding an extra layer of security to their digital identities.


In the ever-expanding digital realm, where information is both currency and vulnerability, the choice of a password becomes a critical decision, shaping the defense against cyber threats. NordPass’s insights provide a valuable snapshot of India’s current password landscape, urging users to strike a balance between familiarity and security in their digital practices.

Also Read | Netflix Begins Password Sharing Crackdown In India: Should You Be Worried?

About Shweta Srivastava

Say hello to Shweta, a tech fan who's hooked on keeping up with all things tech. When she's not exploring the latest gadgets, she's diving into a good book, clicking photos as an amateur photographer, or enjoying classic movies and music. With her love for both tech and creativity, Shweta adds her own touch to tech news in a way that's easy to understand and enjoy.

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