How To Use Instagram’s New Song Lyrics Feature In Reels: A Step-By-Step Guide

(Last Updated On: November 3, 2023)

Key Highlights

  • Add song lyrics to Reels
  • Swipe left after selecting your favourite song.
  • Upcoming features: Collaborative posts and verified accounts.

Instagram has released an exciting new feature that lets users add song lyrics to their Reels, similar to what you can do on Instagram Stories. This is part of Instagram’s ongoing efforts to enhance user experience with innovative features. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to use this feature effectively.

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Instagram’s head, Adam Mosseri, recently made the big announcement on his Broadcast Channel. He revealed that Instagram had noticed users manually adding song lyrics to their videos. To make things easier and more fun for users, they decided to introduce this new song lyrics feature. Mosseri also hinted that more exciting features are in the works for Reels.

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How To Add Song Lyrics to Your Reel

instagram reels

To add song lyrics to your Instagram Reel, follow these simple steps:

  • First, open the Reel you want to edit.
  • Look for the music icon, usually located at the top.
  • Tap on the music icon, and a selection of songs will appear.
  • Choose the song that you want to use for your Reel.
  • After selecting the song, you can swipe left to add the lyrics.

This process is quite similar to the Music feature on Instagram Stories, which has allowed users to include song lyrics in their Stories for some time now.

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Instagram: More Upcoming Features

Instagram’s New Sticker Creation Feature

Adam Mosseri also mentioned that Instagram is testing a feature that allows users to invite friends to collaborate on their feed posts, creating collaborative carousel posts. This means that your friends can add more images to your post, making it a shared experience.

Additionally, Instagram is testing a feature that might allow users to view posts exclusively from verified accounts. This move could help businesses and creators gain more visibility.

Also Read: How Can You Download And Watch Instagram Reels On Android, iOS Without Installing Third-Party Apps?

Ad-Free Subscription Plans


In recent news, Instagram and Facebook have announced ad-free subscription plans in Europe. Users in the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA), and Switzerland can opt for these plans to enjoy a seamless browsing experience. For EUR 9.99 per month, users get ad-free access on the web, and for EUR 12.99 per month, they can enjoy ad-free access on iOS and Android platforms.

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About Aditi Verma

Aditi Verma is a skilled tech content writer with a talent for making complex ideas easy to understand. She crafts engaging articles, breaking down intricate tech topics into simple words that anyone can grasp. Aditi is your go-to writer for all things tech.

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