Infinix is all set to launch its first laptop in India. The Infinix INBook X1 laptop is likely to compete with Xiaomi and Relame products in the country. Besides, the upcoming Infinix laptop has been listed on Flipkart and shows that it might be available in three color options: Aurora Green, Noble Red, and Starfall Grey.
Infinix INBook X1 Laptop Details
Ahead of the actual launch, Infinix has shared that the laptop will be lightweight and metal body. In addition, the device will have Intel Core i3, Core i5, and Core i7 processors. As per details shared by Infinix, the laptop will measure 16.3mm and weigh 1.48kg.
Besides, the laptop will have an all-metal body, aircraft-grade, and aluminum finish. It will also have a 55Whr battery that can provide 13 hours of video playback with a single charge.
Infinix Inbook X1 Pro Laptop
It is worth noting that Inbook X1 is the second laptop by the company as it has launched Inbook X1 Pro in the global market. The laptop is available for PHP 24,990, which is close to Rs. 37,000. It features 10th-Gen Intel core processors along with Intel Iris Plus graphics.
In addition, the Infinix Inbook X1 Pro laptop has 14-inch IPS LCD display along with a brightness of up to 300 and a viewing angle of 178 degrees.
Infinix INBook X1 Laptop Launch Timeline
It is important to note that Infinix has not shared the exact date of the launch, but sources close to the development told Giznext that the laptop will be launched in the second week of December.
Additionally, sources revealed that the laptop will be aggressively priced in India, which is why we expect that the price might be close to the Realme Book as Intel core i3 comes with starting price of Rs. 44,999 for the 8GB of RAM and 256GB SSD. On the other hand, the i5 chipset of Realme Book is selling for Rs. 56,999 for the 8GB of RAM and 512GB SSD.
Infinix Note 11 Smartphone
Apart from launching the laptop, the company is all set to bring the Note 11 smartphone in December.