Itel has launched a new smartphone in India. The itel A27 comes under A-series and is specially designed for those who are looking for entry-level smartphones. The smartphone features a 5.45-inch IPS display and ships 4G connectivity. It also has dual SIM VoLTE support, Android 11 OS, face unlock support, and a fingerprint sensor.
Besides, the device is powered by an undisclosed processor that is paired with 2GB of RAM and 32GB of storage. The device also has a 5MP rear camera.
Itel A27 Smartphone: Specifications
The itel A27 runs Android 11 OS and it is equipped with a 5.45-inch FW+ IPS display. It is powered by the unidentified quad-core 1.4 GHz processor, which is paired with 2GB of RAM. On the imaging front, it supports a 5MP AI camera and a 2MP selfie camera for the selfies.
In addition, the device packs a 4,000 mAh battery unit. There are a few connectivity options like a 3.5mm jack, FM Radio, 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.2, GPS, and micro-USB for charging. There is also a face unlock along with a fingerprint sensor at the back panel.
Itel A27 Smartphone Availability And Price
The newly launched smartphone will cost you Rs. 5,999 for 2GB of RAM and 32GB of storage options. Besides, the device is available in three colour options such as Silver Purple and Deep Grey. Furthermore, the device can be purchased through all offline stores in the country.