Want To Boost Your Electric Vehicle’s Range? Here Are Some Pro Tips

Electric Car
(Last Updated On: December 7, 2023)

Key Highlights

  • Regular maintenance is highlighted as a key factor in maximizing EV mileage
  • Mindful driving practices are essential
  • Thoughtful route planning and energy management

As EVs increasingly join into our daily lives, maximizing the efficiency and range of these eco-friendly automobiles is a priority for many users. While EVs are known for their environmental benefits and lower operating costs, there are several strategies to optimize their mileage further. Here, we explore practical tips to enhance the mileage and overall efficiency of electric vehicles. Let’s check them out. Also Read | 6 Must-Have Electric Bike Accessories Every Owner Should Have

Driving Habits


One of the most impactful ways to improve mileage on an electric vehicle is through mindful driving habits. Smooth acceleration and braking, as opposed to abrupt starts and stops, contribute significantly to energy conservation. EVs often feature regenerative braking systems that capture and convert kinetic energy back into stored energy in the battery, providing a mileage boost when braking is gentle.

Tire Maintenance

Electric Vehicle Tyre Pressure

Proper tire maintenance is a key factor in ensuring optimal mileage for electric vehicles. Underinflated tires create additional rolling resistance, reducing efficiency. Regularly checking and maintaining tire pressure according to the manufacturer’s recommendations can help improve range and overall performance.

Climate Control

Electric Vehicle Winter Tyres

While maintaining a comfortable interior temperature is essential, using the climate control system carefully can impact an EV’s mileage. Preconditioning the vehicle while it’s still plugged in can reduce the reliance on the battery for heating or cooling, thereby preserving energy for driving.

Route Planning


Planning your routes and using navigation systems that consider charging station locations and real-time traffic conditions can help optimize the efficiency of your electric vehicle. Minimizing detours and choosing routes that allow for consistent speeds can positively impact mileage.

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Battery Management

EV Charging Apps

Effective management of the vehicle’s battery is crucial for maximizing mileage. Avoiding frequent deep discharges and charges can help prolong the battery life. Additionally, charging the battery to around 80% for daily use, rather than a full 100%, can contribute to long-term battery health.

Lighten The Load

Just like traditional vehicles, excess weight can impact the efficiency of an electric vehicle. Removing unnecessary items from the car and avoiding carrying excess cargo when not needed can improve the overall mileage.

Charging Habits

Electric Car Apps

Strategic charging habits can also play a role in improving the mileage of an electric vehicle. Charging during off-peak hours when electricity rates are lower may result in cost savings. Additionally, consider using fast-charging stations for quick top-ups during long journeys, but be mindful that frequent fast charging can have an impact on battery longevity.

Stay Updated With Software

Electric Car

Manufacturers often release software updates that can enhance the efficiency and performance of electric vehicles. Keeping the vehicle’s software up-to-date ensures that you benefit from the latest optimizations and improvements.


Optimizing the mileage of electric vehicles involves a combination of mindful driving practices, regular maintenance, and strategic planning. As technology advances and more users embrace electric mobility, these practical tips will continue to play a crucial role in ensuring that electric vehicles deliver on their promise of efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and a greener mode of transportation. By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you not only contribute to a sustainable future but also get the most out of your electric vehicle experience.

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About Shweta Srivastava

Say hello to Shweta, a tech fan who's hooked on keeping up with all things tech. When she's not exploring the latest gadgets, she's diving into a good book, clicking photos as an amateur photographer, or enjoying classic movies and music. With her love for both tech and creativity, Shweta adds her own touch to tech news in a way that's easy to understand and enjoy.

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