WhatsApp has been testing numerous features for its instant messaging platform. The Meta-owned messaging service is consistently getting updated with a new set of user-oriented tools and services to enhance the messaging experience. The brand was earlier reported to be working on a new option to use personalized Avatars as profile pictures. Seems like this option has finally entered the last testing phase and could soon be available for the audience in large scale. The details are as below:
WhatsApp Profile Avatar Feature Rolling Out Soon
WhatsApp has been testing the Avatar feature for the masses. The feature has been rumored to be in the development phase for a while. However, it has now entered the testing phase. The messaging giant has been testing the new avatar sticker feature with the WhatsApp Beta version for Android.
A new report by WaBetaInfo suggests this new customized Avatar sticker feature is currently being tested with Android beta build. Previously, the WhatsApp Android with the firmware beta build was seen with this new messaging feature.
This hints WhatsApp has fixed the unwanted bugs and issues with this feature and is closer to releasing the stable version. As of now, WhatsApp has not announced when the stable update will be released that will add the personalized emoji sticker option to the Android ecosystem.
It is also not clear by when WhatsApp will be extending this feature to iOS users. But we can expect the availability of this feature in the coming months for both Android and iOS users. Once this new update is released, WhatsApp users will be able to use personalized stickers as not only profile pictures but also the same avatars can be used during video calls.
Also, this new Avatar version will be distinct from the current one, and with this users will create their own Avatar from within the app itself. The avatar feature will let users create their iteration of avatar stickers in different styles and expressions.