WhatsApp has been updating its messaging platform with a new set of features consistently. We have seen multiple new functionalities being added to this service in the last few years. However, the company has always kept users’ privacy on priority and has released several features to keep users’ data private. The Facebook-owned platform is end-to-end encrypted making it secure for chats.
However, it recently borrowed one of the most useful features from Instagram which users have been demanding for a long. We are speaking of the disappearing messages option which was added to the platform last year itself. The company has now refined this security option for a better user experience. Following are the changes:
WhatsApp Disappearing Messages Gets This New Update
As mentioned earlier, WhatsApp had introduced the disappearing messages option for its Android and iOS app back in 2020. However, one had to select this option manually prior to sending a message or media files. For reference, if you want to send a private message or media to any of your contacts, you need to select the disappear message option every time you plan to do that. However, that changes now.
WhatsApp has now allowed the provision to set this ‘disappearing messages’ option to default. Once this option is selected, you wouldn’t have to tap on this setting each time you decide to go private from a contact. Also, you can either set this default option to a single or all of the contacts. It is worth adding that only the new conversations (post activation of this feature) will disappear after a certain period of time.
The company has also added the time limit after which the messages from the chatbox would start disappearing. The timeline for a message to get auto-deleted can be set from 24 hours to 90 days. Also, the default disappearing option isn’t applicable to the group chats by default. You will have to change the group chat’s settings manually for the same.
How Can We Toggle On Default Disappearing Messages Option On WhatsApp?
It’s not much of a task to set the disappearing messages to default on WhatsApp. This option is now available for both Android and iOS devices and is yet to be made available for the desktop version.
Step 1: Open WhatsApp and go to the “Account” option.
Step 2: Now, select the “Privacy” tab.
Step 3: Click on “Disappearing messages” and select the “Automatic” timer option to set it on default.