WhatsApp’s Latest Update: Screen Sharing, Speaker Spotlight, And More

(Last Updated On: June 14, 2024)

Key Highlights

  • Users can share screen and audio during video calls
  • Speaker Spotlight highlights the current speaker
  • Video calls can now have up to 32 participants on all devices

Meta has rolled out a significant update to WhatsApp, introducing several enhancements to its video calling feature. This update focuses on improving user experience by adding new functionalities and improving existing ones. Here’s a closer look at the new features. Also Read | WhatsApp Tips And Tricks: How To View Someone’s Status Secretly

Screen Sharing With Audio

WhatsApp Screen Sharing With Audio

WhatsApp users can now enjoy an upgraded screen sharing feature during video calls. Previously, when users shared their screens, the audio from their device was not included. This meant that while others on the call could see what was being shared, they couldn’t hear any accompanying sound, such as a video’s audio. The new update allows users to share both their screen and audio. This feature is ideal for watching videos together or sharing presentations with sound, making it a more comprehensive tool for both personal and professional use.

Speaker Spotlight

Another notable addition is the ‘Speaker Spotlight’ feature. This feature automatically highlights the person who is speaking during the video call. By showing the current speaker prominently on the screen, it ensures smoother conversations and helps participants easily follow who is talking. This is particularly useful in group calls, where it can be challenging to keep track of the speaker without visual cues.

32 Participant Support

GB WhatsApp

One major update is the increased participant limit for video calls. Previously, WhatsApp allowed up to 32 participants on mobile devices, but the limit was lower for desktop users. Windows desktop app users had a limit of 16 participants, and macOS users could only have up to eight participants. The new update standardizes the participant limit across all devices and platforms, allowing up to 32 people to join a video call regardless of the device they are using. This change makes WhatsApp a more robust platform for larger group calls, whether for business meetings, family gatherings, or social events.

Improved Audio and Video Quality

Meta has also made improvements to the overall audio and video quality of WhatsApp calls. The introduction of the MLow codec enhances call clarity and reduces noise and echo, particularly benefiting mobile users. This improvement makes it easier to have clear conversations even in noisy environments. Additionally, video calls now offer higher resolution for users with faster internet connections, providing a better visual experience.

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These updates significantly enhance WhatsApp’s video calling capabilities, making it a more versatile and user-friendly platform. Whether it’s sharing screens with audio, identifying speakers more easily, accommodating larger groups, or enjoying better call quality, these features are set to improve the overall experience for WhatsApp users. With these advancements, WhatsApp continues to evolve, meeting the growing needs of its global user base.

About Shweta Srivastava

Say hello to Shweta, a tech fan who's hooked on keeping up with all things tech. When she's not exploring the latest gadgets, she's diving into a good book, clicking photos as an amateur photographer, or enjoying classic movies and music. With her love for both tech and creativity, Shweta adds her own touch to tech news in a way that's easy to understand and enjoy.

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