Apps Featured Info Introduces Voice Calls For AI Characters: Cool Or Creepy?

(Last Updated On: June 28, 2024)

Key Highlights

  • now offers voice calls with AI characters
  • Users can choose different voices and switch between talking and texting
  • This feature was announced shortly after OpenAI delayed its GPT-4 voice mode

AI startup has launched a new feature called Character Calls. This allows users to have voice conversations with their AI characters. Previously, users could only chat with these AI characters by typing messages. Now, they can actually talk to them over a call. The company announced on Thursday that this feature is free for all app users.

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A New Way To Talk To AI lets users create personalized AI characters. These characters can be based on celebrities or influencers. With the new calling feature, users can call these AI characters anytime. “Character Calls represents a significant milestone in our journey towards enhancing where, when, and how you can interact with Characters,” the company stated in its blog post.

The AI startup believes this new feature will make the characters even more useful. They say that the AI characters can help with many tasks. For example, they can help you practice a new language, prepare for interviews, or even make role-playing games more fun.

How To Use Character Calls

Using Character Calls is simple. The company says that the calls have low latency. This means that conversations will flow smoothly without long waits. You can also interrupt the AI character anytime by tapping a button.

Users can choose from a variety of voices, accents, and personalities for their AI characters. The characters can speak in many languages, including English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese. If you prefer texting over talking, you can switch between the two modes anytime.

Comparing With Previous Features

In March, launched a similar feature called Character Voice. This feature lets users hear the AI characters speak, but it does not allow for real-time conversations like Character Calls does.

Competition In The AI Space

The Character Calls announcement comes just one day after OpenAI delayed its advanced voice mode for GPT-4 by a month. Meanwhile, Google is working on a similar idea. Google’s new chatbots will be modeled after celebrities and YouTube influencers. These chatbots will offer an experience similar to talking with a celebrity and will use Gemini LLMs technology.

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Final Thoughts

The new Character Calls feature from is a big step forward. It offers users a new way to interact with AI characters. Whether you find it cool or creepy, this new feature is set to change how we use AI in our daily lives.

By Shweta Srivastava

Say hello to Shweta, a tech fan who's hooked on keeping up with all things tech. When she's not exploring the latest gadgets, she's diving into a good book, clicking photos as an amateur photographer, or enjoying classic movies and music. With her love for both tech and creativity, Shweta adds her own touch to tech news in a way that's easy to understand and enjoy.

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