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Facebook is working on a video dating app

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These days, whenever we talk about social media platforms, most of them are covered and supported by Facebook, the giant billionaire company. All the top social platforms like – Whatsapp, Instagram, and Facebook are under just one company. 

After the social chat and feeding photos media platform, they are now thinking of going wider by including more other application features. In other words, Facebook is working on building a video dating application. 

As per the announcement, the new speed dating application, namely – Sparked, is developing by Facebook’s NPE internal team. This team created NPE apps that are just experiments on the products to change the primary subject.

Facebook claimed that their new dating app is different from every other present dating application in the market. The homepage of the Sparked dating app says that it is a video dating application. The app is absolutely free to use, and there will be no DMs, swiping, and public profiles in the app.

As per one of the reports by Verge, it is stated that the Sparked application apparently filters people through active video dates within the last four minutes. At this moment, it is not clear that per person how many dates they can attend per event. However, the app’s documentation says that if both daters have a great time together, both he and she can reschedule the 10-minutes date.

And now the best part comes. When both daters feel okay for each other after the second date, the application automatically suggests both users exchange their contact and personal information to actively keep in touch and to move forward with their relationship.

Procedure for creating an account on Sparked

Shockingly, the report also added the information that relatively, it is not easy to create an account for all users. Facebook chooses the unique way to create an account on Sparked. In the first step, the user has to answer the question of what makes the user be a good dater? After submitting the response, the system will be reviewed, and then the only user will get permission to enter in the speed dating application. The app mentioned that the submitted answer would be scanned and reviewed by humans. Isn’t it unique and great!

Users also will face the option of whether they wanted to date a male, female or transgender person while creating an account.

Unfortunately, the application has not yet revealed how it will keep users’ data secure and provide safety for app users. Moreover, they also have not mentioned the details about how both daters will be matched.

The statement by the Verge also said that 47 people are signed into the system from Chicago. It is also not mentioned whether they have to login via a web portal or compulsory have to download the application on mobile. But, still, people are crazy about this and waiting to use it.

By Jatin Jhamb

An avid tech enthusiast, Jatin a.k.a JJ interest revolves around covering smartphone and all other gadgets. He is a tech enthusiast who finds it difficult to hold his excitement when it comes to latest gadgets. Currently, a Correspondent who is learning photography along with practicing doughnuts. Believes that work is worship and in YODO - You Only Drive Once! So push it hard

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