Featured Gaming How To

How To Download Minecraft On PC And Mobile Phone: Steps Inside

(Last Updated On: December 10, 2022)

Key Highlights

  • The following article consists the steps to download Minecraft.
  • Visit the Minecraft website and click on the Free Download button to start your download.
  • Once the download is complete, you can launch the game by clicking the “Play” button.

Minecraft offers gamers an immersive gaming experience that enables them to discover limitless worlds. Over ten years after its release, the game still draws a huge player base.

In order to fight the Ender Dragon, players in this game must fend against waves of opponents, construct shelters, and gather food from the environment. To protect themselves from nighttime creatures, people first construct structures. But as the game goes on, players worked together to make beautiful, inventive things.

Minecraft is accessible on a number of devices including consoles, mobile phones, laptops, and PCs. Here is a simple step-by-step tutorial on how to download the free Minecraft game on a computer and mobile phone:

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How To Download Minecraft On PC

There are two distinct Minecraft game iterations: Minecraft Java Edition and Minecraft for Windows 10 aka Bedrock edition. The latter is a bit more popular and supports cross-platform play that includes Windows, macOS, and Linux. The Minecraft Bedrock edition can be played on Windows 10 PC or laptops.

Minecraft Java Edition: Steps To Download On PC

Step 1: Visit on your PC.

Step 2: Select ‘Get Minecraft’.

Step 3: Followed by Platform, choose Computer from the available devices list. Windows, macOS, and Linux are all supported by the Minecraft Java Edition.

Step 4: After that, users of Mac and Linux will be able to purchase Minecraft Java Edition. On the other hand, Windows users will be given two games to buy: Minecraft Java Edition and Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition. Select the option that you want and proceed with payment.

Step 5: Once the payment is done, users will easily be able to download and install the game on their PC.

Minecraft Bedrock Edition: Steps To Download On PC

Step 1: Go to your browser on your PC.

Step 2: Search ‘Minecraft Free Trial’.

Step 3: Tap on the Windows icon.

Step 4: On Microsoft Store, it’ll redirect you to the ‘Minecraft for Windows 10’ page.

Step 5: Now, select ‘Free Trial’.

Step 6: Log in with your Microsoft ID, if you haven’t already.

Step 7: To install the game, open the downloaded file.

Also Read: Want To Make A Book In Minecraft? Here’s How

How To Download Minecraft On Mobile Phone

Similar to PC/laptop, Android users can download the free trial version of Minecraft for smartphones. You can still buy the game’s complete version for Android and iPhone smartphones from the Google Play Store and the App Store, respectively.

The complete version of Minecraft gives you access to a variety of game modes including Creative which has infinite resources, Survival where players must fend off monsters by creating weapons and armory, and Multiplayer which allows players to play with up to 10 others online. Listed are the steps to download the game:

Step 1: Go to Google Play Store for Android and App Store for iOS.

Step 2: Search ‘Minecraft’.

Step 3: Tap on the title which is developed by Mojang.

Step 4: From the store, purchase the game.

Step 5: Click on the install button after the payment is successful. And you are all done!

By Shweta Srivastava

Say hello to Shweta, a tech fan who's hooked on keeping up with all things tech. When she's not exploring the latest gadgets, she's diving into a good book, clicking photos as an amateur photographer, or enjoying classic movies and music. With her love for both tech and creativity, Shweta adds her own touch to tech news in a way that's easy to understand and enjoy.

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