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Meta AI Launches In Hindi: Now More Creative And Smarter

(Last Updated On: July 24, 2024)

Key Highlights

  • Meta AI now serves 22 countries
  • It includes new languages like Hindi, French, and Spanish
  • Meta AI is now available on Meta Quest headsets, Ray-Ban smart glasses

Meta AI is growing in scope and power, providing users with more features everywhere in the world. With its most recent growth, Meta AI is now available in 22 countries, including Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and Cameroon. New languages that users can communicate with Meta AI in are Hindi, Hindi-Romanized Script, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. This broadening of access allows more people to benefit from AI assistance across WhatsApp, Instagram, Messenger, and Facebook.

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Enhancing Daily Routines

Meta AI is designed to help users get more done in less time, bringing creative ideas to life and expanding knowledge. From tackling how-to tasks and answering questions to providing inspiration and guidance, Meta AI has become an invaluable partner in daily routines. Regular updates every two weeks ensure the assistant remains relevant and effective, continuously improving based on user feedback.

Creative Tools In Hindi

One of the standout features is the “Imagine me” prompts, starting in beta in the US. With the use of this program, users can visualize themselves in a variety of fantastical situations, such as a rock star or superhero. Simply entering “Imagine me” in Meta AI chat allows users to generate visuals based on their own photos and prompts such as “Imagine me surfing” or “Imagine me on a beach vacation.” After that, you may share these customized photos with loved ones, bringing a lighthearted and imaginative element to discussions.

Advanced Editing Capabilities

Meta AI also offers advanced editing capabilities, making it easy to adjust images. Users can add or remove objects, change elements, and fine-tune their creations with simple commands. For instance, if you start with an image of a cat snorkeling in a goldfish bowl and want to change the cat to a corgi, you can do so with a quick command. An upcoming “Edit with AI” button will further enhance these editing features, allowing for even more precise adjustments.

Complex Questions And Coding Help

Llama 405B, Meta’s largest and most sophisticated open-source model, is now incorporated into Meta AI to answer increasingly complicated queries, particularly in arithmetic and coding. Users can get expert education on technical and scientific subjects, coding guidance, and step-by-step explanations for math tasks. Because of this, Meta AI is an effective tool for learning and solving problems.

Integration With Meta Quest

Meta AI is also available on Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses and will soon be integrated into Meta Quest headsets in the US and Canada. This integration replaces current voice commands, enabling users to control their headsets hands-free, get real-time information, and even receive recommendations for local restaurants. With Vision in Passthrough, users can ask questions about their physical surroundings, making Meta AI a versatile assistant in both virtual and mixed reality environments.

Also Read | Use Meta AI On WhatsApp And Instagram In Three Steps: Here’s How


With its enhanced multilingualism, creative tools, sophisticated editing, and sophisticated problem-solving functions, Meta AI is a valuable everyday helper. Users may expect even more features and advancements in the future as Meta keeps innovating and updating its AI.

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By Shweta Srivastava

Say hello to Shweta, a tech fan who's hooked on keeping up with all things tech. When she's not exploring the latest gadgets, she's diving into a good book, clicking photos as an amateur photographer, or enjoying classic movies and music. With her love for both tech and creativity, Shweta adds her own touch to tech news in a way that's easy to understand and enjoy.

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