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WhatsApp To Provide Solution For Finding Favorite Contacts Faster

(Last Updated On: April 22, 2024)

Key Highlights

  • WhatsApp beta introduces AI chatbot for image creation and lets users rearrange favorite contacts
  • Beta version includes a feature to see recently online contacts
  • WhatsApp focuses on enhancing user experience with new features in the pipeline

WhatsApp is working hard to improve its platform, offering new features to enhance user experience. The beta version of WhatsApp provides a sneak peek into the upcoming changes. Here, let’s take a look. Also Read | WhatsApp Tips And Tricks: Easy Ways To Record WhatsApp Video Calls

AI Chatbot and Image Creation

The latest addition to the beta version is an AI chatbot that allows users to create AI-generated images and answer queries. While this is a significant addition, WhatsApp is also focusing on simpler features that improve usability.

Rearranging Favorite Contacts

One such feature is the ability to rearrange contacts in the favorites tab. This new tab, currently in beta testing, will be accessible from the main settings page. Users can reorder contacts based on their frequency of communication, making it easier to connect with their top contacts.

Enhanced Contact Management

By moving your most frequently contacted individuals to the top of the interface, WhatsApp aims to streamline communication. While still in beta, there’s a possibility that this feature may not make it to the public version or could be officially released in the coming weeks.

Tracking Online Status

WhatsApp is also testing a new feature to show which friends or contacts were recently online. This feature, currently in beta for Android users, adds a new tab called “Recently Online” above the contact list. While it doesn’t provide a comprehensive online list, it displays a limited number of recently active contacts. This makes it easier to identify who’s available for a call.

Also Read | WhatsApp Tips & Tricks: How To Unblock Yourself And Regain Access

What’s Next?

WhatsApp’s commitment to innovation means more features are likely on the horizon. Whether it’s AI-driven capabilities or simple improvements to contact management, the messaging app continues to evolve to meet users’ needs. Keep an eye out for these updates as they roll out in future releases.

By Shweta Srivastava

Say hello to Shweta, a tech fan who's hooked on keeping up with all things tech. When she's not exploring the latest gadgets, she's diving into a good book, clicking photos as an amateur photographer, or enjoying classic movies and music. With her love for both tech and creativity, Shweta adds her own touch to tech news in a way that's easy to understand and enjoy.

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